Pocket PC Islander

Monday, August 29, 2005

Pocket PC Island, the place for handhelds & PDA's - Pocket PC Articles

Pocket PC Island, the place for handhelds & PDA's - Pocket PC Articles: "Announcing LEADTOOLS Imaging Library for Pocket PC 2002

LEAD Technologies, Inc., a LEADing provider of imaging developer toolkits worldwide, announced today the release of LEADTOOLS Imaging Library for Pocket PC 2002. This new addition to the LEADTOOLS family of imaging SDKs allows programmers developing software for the Windows CE 3.0 platform, to add image-rich features to their applications quickly and easily. LEADTOOLS for Pocket PC 2002 includes support for a variety of file formats, image processing functions, color conversion, compression, image display and effects, and Internet capabilites.

The LEADTOOLS Pocket PC 2002 toolkit offers static lib and com object interfaces. The included imaging functions cover the entire spectrum of raster imaging, including one bit (black and white), grayscale and still frame color imaging.

Features of LEADTOOLS for Pocket PC 2002

-File Format Support - Read, write and convert image files of the most popular standard image formats, including JPEG, GIF*, TIFF (including G3/G4, LZW*, JTIF...), BMP, JPEG2000, CMP, CMW, FAX, PCX, PNG, TGA, and many more!

-Image Processing - Use more than 80 digital filters and transforms to process images. Smooth, sharpen, edge detect/enhance, modify brightness/contrast/gamma, resize and rotate images using various resampling techniques (including bicubic), and much more.

-Color Conversion - Convert between color depths, such as 24-bit true-color, 8-bit indexed, 1-bit black/white, and many more. Changing the color depth changes the amount of data stored per pixel, which alters an image's memory/disk requirements and reduces transmission times.

-Compression - Compress images using a wide variety of compression algorithms, including JPEG, CMP, LZW*, G3/G4, Huffman, run-length, JPEG 2000, and CMW.

-Image Display/Effects - Render images to the device while controlling position/scaling, resample method, brightness/contrast/gamma, color-reduction/dithering, image(source) and device(destination) clipping, and more. Browse a group of images using a ImageList control , apply 2000+ paint transitions and effects between viewed images, play animations such as animated GIF files.

-Internet - Includes functions to load images from any URL or memory streams.

For more information visit http://www.leadtools.com/sdk/pocketpc/default.htm or email sales@leadtools.com."

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